Welcome! I’m Tim Cimbura. As CEO and founder at LuminFire, where I have the opportunity to lead software engineers building brilliant custom technology solutions for all types of businesses. My mission is to make the world a better place. My goal is make work more effective, productive, and profitable for our clients and to provide a great workplace for our skilled employees.
I write about...
- Technology on the LuminFire blog including articles about Claris FileMaker, Apple, Laravel, and WordPress.
- Living life to the fullest on my Child at Heart blog.
- Vacationing in Florida on the Lelani Beach Club blog.
I speak and entertain at conferences, special events, and private parties with magic and juggling.
I host guests at our vacation home called Lelani Beach Club in Orlando, Florida.
I value time together with my family and friends. Some of my favorite things to do are:
- Play trumpet, piano, and drums…big band and dixieland jazz.
- Play volleyball, pickleball, take hip hop group fitness classes, bike, and swim.
- Magic, juggling, and unicycling.
- Build LEGO brick models and collect Rubik's cubes
- Travel, visit Disney World, and speak French
I hope we get a chance to meet in person and that I can help bring you breakthrough ideas, fun, and inspiration.
Check out our recent Cimbura Family News
I'm happy to connect with you on social media...