Earle Dickson invented the band-aid in 1921. What ever did kids do before that time?
Band Aids are a big deal for kids. In the times of BK (Before Kids) we had a small first aid kid for emergencies. Now we’ve got bags of band-aids stashed in locations throughout the house for when the wailing begins “I fell off my scooter!” “I slid off the swing!” It happens all too often. Sometimes I fear someone will think we’re abusing our kids they have so many bumps, bruises, cuts, and scrapes.
Kids seem to fall down and get hurt way more often than adults. Maybe it’s because they’re taking more risks and getting involved. They sure play hard.
I believe one reason that band-aids are a big deal is because they fall into the sticker category. Did you know that band aids come in varieties of sparkly, colored, Muppets, Dora, Transformers, Phineas & Ferb, Sponge Bob, Tinkerbell fairies, Spiderman, Toy Story, Barbie, Mickey Mouse, My Little Pony, Cars, Disney Princeses, and Hello Kitty? My kids do…and they’ve taken inventory of every type we have. There are even “collector series” band-aids. Does someone actually have a collection of band-aids?
The practical side of me wants to buy the mega pack generic band-aids with 120 strips all the same size and all one color…flesh tone…and get the most for my money. It’s just a band-aid…and like toilet paper you end up throwing it away…so who cares what it looks like?
But colored Band-aids announce to the world that something tramatic happened. You got hurt and there’s a story behind it. No sense in hiding it. Let it out! Away with the flesh-tone! “Look! I fell down…and it was a big fall. But it’s OK. I’m going to get better. Wanna see!?”
Our girls are constantly asking for band-aids. I should buy stock in the company. They want to put a band-aid on even when there isn’t an owie. As parents we protest “There isn’t even any blood! You don’t need one.” Maybe that’s the point. If I put one on my body, then I feel better.
Band-aids represent healing. They are something that you can do…even if there’s not a lot you can do. You got hurt. It’s going to be painful for a while and you just need to wait it through. Once we put the band-aid on, your pain is redirected to the pretty sticker on your body and it doesn’t hurt as much. It’s actually a small miracle…and worth the $2.95 for the special box.
So yesterday when we were at the store, I let them each choose a box of fun band-aids…and maybe I’ll even choose one for myself next time. For now, I’ll use the flesh toned ones and draw on them with a marker for some pizazz. The best of both worlds.
The next time you’re in pain, think about what your band-aid is…a distraction from the hurt. Maybe it’s a listening to favorite song, immersing yourself in your hobby, talking to a trusted friend, taking a bike ride, or escaping for a walk in the woods. Whatever it is, relax in the fact that you’ll get through this. Even if your band-aid doesn’t completely take away the pain, it may make it tolerable and remind you that you’re OK and you’ll get better soon.
I loved your perspective. We all have things that are painful. When people see our pain they see who we really are. Children aren’t ashamed to let people know when they are hurting and reallize that sometimes it takes other people to notice so that they can receive the comfort they need. Maybe it is a good idea to use band-aids to show emotional pain as well as physical pain. The kids have a good point. Thanks for sharing.