In case it wasn’t obvious from my web site, I’m available to come speak at your company event.
With the economy on the down side, it seems that everyone needs a pick-me-up with some encouragement and inspiration. That’s exactly what I provide with my presentation entitled “Child at Heart”. My particular brand of speaking is considered “edu-tainment” because I combine education and entertainment to make a presentation that is fun and informative. You learn while your having a great time…what a concept!
You can book an event directly with our online form. If possible, contact us as early as possible when you know about the event. That way we can help you plan the event and provide you with the help you need right away so that it can be the success you want. You also have the greatest chance of getting the date you want reserved on our busy calendar.
If we determine I’m not the right fit for your event, one of our booking agencies, Nationally Speaking, can help you find someone in your price range with the qualifications and experience to fit your needs. I’ve worked with them for several years and highly recommend their services.
Here’s my page on their site where I’m listed as a motivational speaker Tim Cimbura.
Be Awesome Today!